From the Trench to the Bench

What do you do if you want to sue someone in Small Claims Court?
What do you do if you’ve been arrested?
What happens when you’ve been served with an eviction notice; or as a landlord you want to evict a tenant who has not paid the rent?
How do you find a qualified lawyer if you need one?
To settle or not settle a case? What are the advantages and the pitfalls.
From the Trench to the Bench answers all these questions and more, while also illustrating the principle of the Universal Law: “Do unto others. . .”
Judge Herb Dodell shares his expertise as a Superior Judge Pro Tem and as a trial and corporate lawyer in this comprehensive book, drawing from cases over which he presided or litigated. A must-have for anyone needing to navigate the legal system. Lawyers will also find it a helpful primer as they educate and prepare their clients for going to court, or avoiding it.
"A debut work offers a guide to the law, with a dollop of spiritual counsel." - Kirkus Reviews
2/2/17, Kim Pagano interview with Herb Dodell Listen to Interview
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever books are sold.
"...presenting the legal system clearly and in a way that does not intimidate the reader. What a great idea! Your spiritual approach to the legal profession is refreshing."
Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, The Honorable Janice M. Holder