Directing the Oscars: An Interview with Jeff Margolis | The Saturday Evening Post
Jeff Margolis interviewed by Saturday evening post on his memoir written with Loren Stephens.
Jeff Margolis interviewed by Saturday evening post on his memoir written with Loren Stephens.
Loren Stephens interviewed by Bold Journey, March, 2024. She discusses her professional career tips and more.
Loren Stephens interviewed by the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles, Friday March 1, 2024. She gives helpful tips for those wishing to write their own memoirs, and talks about Write Wisdom.
Join us for this special evening with three powerhouse women authors, Loren Stephens, Bethany Saltman, and Lauren Marino, as we explore Women and the Power of the Written Word. March 7, 2024.
Interview with Loren Stephens in Canvas Rebel, October 2023.
Loren was interviewed by Authority Magazine/Medium on February 10, 2023 about her novel and her ghostwriting companies, Write Wisdom and Bright Star Memoirs. Here is a link to her interview.
“Hear in LA” Podcast with Loren Stephens and journalist Tony Pierce. “The Fine Art of Ghostwriting in Brentwood,” Wednesday, January 25, 2023.
Loren’s interview on Canadian Television Saskatoon for “Family Day,” on February 14, 2022. Her appearance follows the quick ads. She talks about her novel, “All Sorrows Can Be Borne,” and gives tips on collecting family stories.
Interview with Write Wisdom and Bright Star Memoirs CEO Loren Stephens and James Lott on “In Between the Pages” on February 15, 2022.