Read what clients/authors have to say about Write Wisdom
“…the ghostwriter of the century.” Steve Rohr, founder and president of Lexicon Public Relations
“Loren knows what it takes for a reader to turn the page and keep going” Jeff Margolis, Emmy Award-winning TV director and producer
“My brother, Charles Kolber, and I retained Loren Stephens to help research and write our book, Thrown Upon the World, a story that traced our family history back to WW II and beyond. Upon retaining Loren she quickly became a member of our family. She immediately immersed herself in our story’s characters, and her knowledge of culture and history proved to be invaluable as we conducted our research. We are proud of our story and are thankful to Loren for her professionalism and commitment to our project.”
George Kolber, Member of GVK Limited Partners; Chairman, Kolber Properties, and Founder, Kopa Group, LLC
“When I decided I wanted to write a book about my life it was an easy decision to hire Loren Stephens to help me. She was an attentive interviewer and turned a remarkable number of hours of wonderful conversation into a compelling story encompassing my professional career, my family, my hobbies, my charitable activities, and world travel. Her attention to detail and patience were nothing short of exemplary and her perfectionism matched mine! In the year since If You Don’t Ask was published, it has been a joy to reread and has generated renewed connections among people who played significant roles in my life.”
Michael Keston, Chairman, KFG Investment Company and Adjunct Professor, USC School of Policy & Planning
“The interviews Loren and Judy conducted along with their extensive research helped create a biography that describes the man. Drive-Thru Life exceeded our expectations. The book is beautiful and John Galardi is now memorialized for his family and friends. The book explains the man who built a company [Wienerschnitzel] and who created opportunities for many. All future Franchisees will now understand the beginning.”
Cynthia Galardi Culpepper, CEO and Chairman, The Galardi Group, Inc.
Working with Loren Stephens was a pleasure and Nothing to Lose But My Life has been reprinted four times because so many people want to read about my life experiences. Loren interviewed me over a year’s time and turned my desire to tell my story into a reality.”
David Wiener, Chairman, David Wiener Properties
“Write Wisdom – most especially Loren Stephens and Betsy Rosenthal – were great interviewers, listeners, and advisors to help me turn years of experiences as an attorney and judge pro tem into a readable book that contains actual legal cases combined with spiritual thought. Written for anyone caught up in the legal system.”
Judge Herbert Dodell